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February 2017 Intelligence Newsletter

Challenger 300 AS907-1-1A Engine Service Bulletin

Honeywell issued Safety Service Bulletin AS907 -72-9067 for high-time engines (greater than 8,000 hours of service).

What is WAAS?

WAAS is a critical part of the FAA’s NextGen program because the precise navigation information the onboard receivers process are being used by ADS-B and FANS-1/A solutions.

Operator Q&A: When Your APS-80 Autopilot Won’t Engage

My APS-80 autopilot is disengaging at altitude. The APC is OK. What else should I look at? Keep reading to find the answers to a recent question.

Power Converters: Something To Think About When Planning For A New Aircraft Interior

When designing and installing a new interior, it’s not unusual to have last minute design changes or additions to add items that require added power.

Duncan Aviation Has Experts to Help With Cross-Border Aircraft Transactions

Over the last several years, more and more business aircraft have been involved in cross-border transactions. That means more imports, exports, modifications, approvals, deregistrations and registrations are taking place in a constantly changing regulatory environment.

Schedule ADS-B Upgrades Now to Mitigate Risk

The ADS-B Out mandate for business aviation is coming fast. For those who fly in the United States, their aircraft must have ADS-B Out capability by Jan. 1, 2020. For those who fly in Europe, the mandate takes effect on June 7, 2020.

A Recent Global Express Interior Project

Inspired by the owner’s expectations of creating a high-end automotive experience coupled with sleek, simple lines, Duncan Aviation Senior Designer Mary Lee transformed the interior of this Bombardier Global Express from its traditional, outdated neutral environment to one of modern luxury.

Honeywell TFE731 Engine Overhaul Maintenance Now Performed at Duncan Aviation

On September 9, 2016, Duncan Aviation’s Honeywell engine service authorization was extended, designating the company’s Lincoln, Nebraska, location as a Honeywell TFE731 Heavy or Overhaul Maintenance facility.