The FAA recently released Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2015-12-06 in reference to the Windshield Coupe Rail Inspection Service Bulletins (SB) for the Bombardier Learjet 40* aircraft (SB 40-56-3, Rev 1) and Bombardier Learjet 45* aircraft (SB 45-56-3, Rev 1).
Per the applicable SB, Paragraph 3.B.(6) or (7), the Windshield Coupe Rails have been re-identified with a new part number depending on the extent of material loss found during the NDT inspection part of the Service Bulletin.
Paragraph 3.F.(1) of the SB only requires a "note" be included in the logbooks stating if the re-identified coupe rail part numbers (per Table 2) require the 5,000 hour recurring inspection.
Most maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) service providers that are asked to clear this AD will want to know the new windshield coupe rail part number. Without this information, the MRO is forced to make an assumption that since there was no re-identified part number listed in the logbook entry, that there is no 5,000 hour recurring inspection required. Hopefully it is NOT a mistake of omission.
As a side note, the 5,000 hour recurring inspection clock begins at the time the Coupe Rail was inspected, per the applicable SB.
Inspection can only be performed by specially-trained technicians from the Bombardier Learjet Customer Support Engineering team located at an approved ASF.
Only the GKN windshields, but NOT Sierriacin windshields, are removed for a bolt hole inspection per IRN L5600010 that calls out the following:
Windshield - Perform bolt hole inspection. (Refer to 56-10-01. Effective on aircraft with GKN windshields installed.)
This IRN is also due at a 4,800 hour interval as a "Special Inspection" (5-19-00) but is NOT part of the 4,800 hour inspection (5-15-00).
*Trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries
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