Business aircraft owner/operators who upgraded their Collins Aerospace TDR-94D transponders in 2014 or earlier may not be in compliance with the FAA’s ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) mandate.
The transponders were manufactured to the DO-260/260A, which was an earlier requirement for Australia and other parts of the world. The version the United States uses, DO-260B, changed the requirements and the part number, primarily to eliminate latency and add annunciation requirements. This standard was later accepted as the worldwide standard by all civil air authorities.
Transponders with part numbers ending in -409 and below are not compliant with the mandate and will need to be upgraded in the waning months before January 1, 2020.
To fully upgrade to ADS-B prior to the mandate deadline, you’ll need to put down your aircraft for a week or two. Contact a Duncan Aviation Satellite Avionics Shop to schedule an upgrade ( or call Duncan Aviation (+1 402.475.2611) for more information.
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