GIV serial numbers 1000-1499 must complete CB194A or ASC 469 Water Line Ribbon Heater Upgrade by September 4, 2011. The experts at Duncan Aviation recommend completing ASC 469 because the aircraft will not be subject to Chapter 5 recurring inspection requirements and costs, which are necessary for CB 194A.
GV serial numbers 501-619 must also complete the Water Line Ribbon Heater Assembly Inspection at the next 48 month inspection, or comply with ASC 173 Water Line Ribbon Heater Upgrade as the terminating action.
It is estimated that a few hundred GIV aircraft still need this upgrade before the September deadline. This demand creates a potential for a tightening of available schedules at the most experienced service centers. The best course of action for those who have waited is to schedule as soon as possible.
These pictures show the overheating condition of the heater ribbon on a water line located behind the aft galley on a late model Gulfstream GIV. (Note the discoloration on the wire bundle above the overheat area.)
For more information on this ASC, please contact Doug Donahue.
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