Keeping your aircraft and those who fly within it safe are your top priorities right now.
In this special series of Straight Talk Podcasts we will be discussing how Duncan Aviation is keeping your aircraft, our customers and team members safe as well as ways to keep yourself and others safe and flying during this time.
Our free Straight Talk podcasts are an audible way to gather clear, concise, no-nonsense information about important topics in business aviation.
Questions, comments, and recommendations for podcasts can be sent to
In an effort to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, Listen as Harrison Duncan discusses tips & tricks for customers of the Duncan Aviation Flight Department in this special edition of the Duncan Aviation Straight Talk Podcast.
Listen as Harrison Duncan sits down with Chief Operating Officer Jeff Lake and President Aaron Hilkemann to discuss what Duncan Aviation is doing to ensure the safety of its team members, facilities, and customers during this time.
Top Nine Questions Customers Have About Aircraft Engines
Failures On The Embraer Phenom and Praetor Emergency Light Power Supplies
Bombardier Rolls Out Advanced Avionics Upgrade for Global 5X00/6X00 Aircraft
Do Not Cut Corners On Your Business Jet Pre-Purchase Evaluation
Troubleshooting ENG Anti-Ice On The G200