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Falcon Wing Screws Cause Hydraulic Line Interference

January 2010

The wing leading edge upper removable panels on Falcon 50, 900 and 2000s are installed with differing length screws depending on location (see IPC 57-30-30 on the F50 for example). When the lower leading edge panels are off during your next 4A+ inspection, check with a mirror and a flashlight that the screws on the upper panels are not running through the nut-plates and chaffing into the hydraulic pipes which run down the length of the wing. This can happen at a couple of locations where the nut-plate and hydraulic pipes intersect. If chaffing into the pipe has been noted, see DFJ SRM 51-10-10 for permissible damage and the IPC for correct screw length.

Improper screw lengths Screw to Pipe Interference Wing Upper Surface

For questions about this or other Falcon technical issues, contact your Duncan Aviation Falcon Tech Rep.